
Who We Are

The Regulatory Environmental Group for Missouri (REGFORM) is the premiere statewide business organization working on environmental policy in Missouri. We work closely with state and federal agencies and other stakeholders to help ensure that environmental protection in Missouri is based on sound, technically defensible science that produces demonstrated environmental improvement commensurate with the cost of compliance.

Our Vision

Founded in 1993, REGFORM’s primary and consistent objective is the development and negotiation of environmental regulations and policies in Missouri. REGFORM is committed to the principle that environmental regulations, laws and policies must be based on sound science that produces demonstrated environmental improvements commensurate with the cost of compliance. On behalf of our Members, REGFORM will consistently:

  • Advocate Member positions and interests before governmental agencies–principally the Missouri Department of Natural Resources and all relevant environmental Commissions
  • Negotiate environmental regulations and policy from the idea stage through promulgation, implementation and enforcement
  • Provide accurate and technically sound input early in the environmental policy and regulatory process to promote State regulations that are based on sound science commensurate with the cost of compliance
  • Work cooperatively with other regulated entities and associations to help advance our Member interests.
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Good Design Goes to Heaven, Bad Design Goes Everywhere

Mieke Gerritzen

Creativity isn’t worth a thing if it isn’t served with an equal amount of reliability.