Power Point Presentations, 2015 Missouri Water Seminar

David Carani, Geosyntec, Nutrient Trading in Missouri, Friend, Foe or Phantom?

Andrea Collier, MDNR, Water Resources Center Regional Planning Projects

Andrea Collier, MDNR, Missouri State Water Plan

David Cozad, US EPA R7, EPA Enforcement and Next Generation Compliance

David Cozad, US EPA R7, EPA Region 7 Clean Water Act Enforcement – 2015/2016

Aimee Davenport, Evans & Dixon, Nutrient TMDLs, What’s the Deal?

John Delashmit, US EPA R7, What’s New in WQS?

Ed Galbraith, Barr Engineering, WOTUS

Lacey Hirschvogel, MDNR, Multiple Discharge Variances

Jennifer Hoggat, MDNR, Our Missouri Waters

Kimberly Hoke & Christopher Miller, MDNR, E-everything at Missouri DNR

Bill Lindsey, Midwest Environmental Consultants, Don’t Expose Yourself. Can you be excluded form Stormwater Permitting?

Rob Morrison, Barr Engineering, US EPA’s 304(a) Criteria Revisions, Do They Affect Me?

Allison Pearson, Barr Engineering, Using Mixing Zones Higher in the Watershed Under New Stream Classification System

Trent Stober and John Hoke, HDR and MDNR, The Evolving Nutrient Landscape in the US and Missouri & Numeric Nutrient Criteria

Elizabeth Toot-Levy, Geosyntec, Integrated Planning — Is it Here to Stay?

Roger Walker, REGFORM, Safer Communications

Chris Wieberg, MDNR,  Central Office Permitting Update

Chris Zell, Allstate Consultants, Forecasting Potential Resource and Compliance Constraints