
These are documents for the Missouri Water Seminar, July 18-19, 2022

The attendee list is here.

Download your certificate of attendance here

The agenda is here.


Click the links for the presentation slides.

9:00 a.m.   Negotiating Your Facility-Specific NPDES Permit, With a Focus on Recent Additions of Special Conditions for Stormwater BMPs ROB MORRISON and ALLISON PEARSON, Barr Engineering

The memo Rob referred to is here.


9:50 a.m.   Water Protection Program Update CHRIS WIEBERG, MDNR WPP Director, JOHN HOKE, MDNR WPP

11:05 a.m. Missouri Ended Up With 40 Lakes/Reservoirs Added to the Impaired Waters List by US EPA…How Did That Happen? ROBERT BRUNDAGE, Brundage Environmental and Ag Law LLC

12:30 p.m. The Latest on WOTUS STEPHEN JEFFERY, Jeffery Law Group

1:15 p.m.   Enforcement Update, and ECHO too JOE CLAYTON MDNR, WPP

2:00 p.m.   Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act SARA PRINGER, MDNR, Financial Assistance Center, CALEB BROWN, Stinson

2:35 p.m.   EPA Region 7 Water Update JEFF ROBICHAUD, US EPA Region 7

3:30 p.m.   The Lead and Copper Rule…Where Are We Now? JEFF PINSON, MDNR, WPP

7:40 a.m.   Doing Our Part to Wipe Out Gulf Hypoxia with TP Reductions JAY HOSKINS, MSD, ANNA WILDEMAN, Troutman Pepper

8:45 a.m.   Drinking Water Residuals, BPJ, and Narrative “Free From” Criteria TIM GANZ, Missouri American Water,  NICK MUENKS, Geosyntec

9:45 a.m.   Algal Toxins and MDNR’s Regulatory Response to a MCE Petition MARY SAMUELSON, MDNR, WPP, ASHLEY GRUPE, MDNR, WPP

10:30 a.m. Parts per WHAT?! Grappling with EPA’s reduced PFAS Health Advisory levels JESSIE MERRIGAN, Spencer Fane

11:10 a.m. East Locust Creek Reservoir Source Water Protection GREG PITCHFORD, Allstate Consultants, JENNA ROE, Allstate Consultants


Speaker Bios


ROBERT BRUNDAGE, Brundage Environmental and Ag Law LLC
Mr. Brundage has represented clients on a wide variety of matters including litigation, administrative law, permitting, and land use issues. He represents clients in matters before the Missouri Department of Natural Resources (MDNR), Missouri Department of Agriculture (MDA), and the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). His clients include industrial, municipal, and agricultural clients who require guidance on environmental compliance, litigation, permitting, and lobbying the MDNR, the MDA, and the General Assembly. Mr. Brundage also represents clients under enforcement by MDNR, EPA, MDA and citizens’ lawsuits enforcing federal environmental laws.

Joe Clayton holds a Bachelor of Science degree in Fisheries & Wildlife Management from the MU-School of Natural Resources. He has worked in a regulatory capacity since 2013. He joined the Missouri Department of Natural Resources, Water Protection Program, Compliance and Enforcement in 2019 under Kristi Savage-Clarke. He is the Section Chief of the Water Pollution Control Branch, Compliance and Enforcement section.

Aimee assists public and private clients in energy, environmental and administrative law matters to help them manage new requirements and to resolve issues with governmental agencies and third-parties. Aimee’s practice involves an in-depth knowledge of administrative agencies and the legal authority under which they operate.

Prior to entering private practice, she served as deputy general counsel to the Missouri Department of Natural Resources where she advised the department in governance, contract, environmental, employment and other matters as assigned. Prior to her time with the department, Aimee served as an attorney for the Missouri Public Service Commission where she advised the commissioners and chief law judge in tariff and rate cases. Her experience representing public bodies and serving as in-house counsel for governmental agencies gives her an intricate understanding of how agencies function in areas of rulemaking, permitting/licensing and enforcement.

TIM GANZ, Missouri American Water
Tim Ganz joined Missouri American Water in 2003. He currently serves as the Director
of Water Quality & Environmental Compliance. His responsibilities include:
-Oversee environmental compliance for all of MAWC’s water and wastewater systems
– including 73 wastewater and 37 drinking water systems across Missouri.
-Direct environmental policy and serve as the point of contact with the state and federal
regulatory agencies.

Tim is a Certified Hazardous Materials Manager, holds a Missouri “A” Drinking Water Treatment license, a “D” wastewater treatment license, and has degrees from the University of Missouri, Saint Louis University, and Maryville University in St. Louis, Missouri.

Ashley Grupe is the Chief of the Water Quality Standards Unit with the Missouri Department of Natural Resources. She began her professional career at the Missouri State Public Health Laboratory in 2015 before joining MoDNR in 2017 as a domestic wastewater permit writer. While working the permitting group, in addition to issuing numerous permits, Ashley assisted with tracking the Department’s Regionalization and Consolidation efforts and led the Short-Term Permitting Program. Since joining the Water Quality Standards Unit in 2021, Ashley has gained experience with rulemaking efforts, updating water quality standards, and all the fun things that come with being a supervisor. Ashley holds a BS in Chemistry from Lindenwood University and an MS in Environmental Science with a concentration in Chemistry and Toxicology from Southern Illinois University – Edwardsville. In her spare time, Ashley enjoys watching movies, attending trivia nights, and playing bingo. She currently resides in Columbia with her husband, John, and their three pets – Azula, Ozzy, and Marty.

Caleb Hall is an associate in Stinson’s Energy, Environment, Mining and Transportation division. Before joining Stinson, he worked at the Missouri House of Representatives as a non-partisan staffer and analyst. He later represented consumers as a senior attorney with the Missouri Office of the Public Counsel.

John Hoke is Chief of the Water Protection Branch within the Missouri Department of Natural Resources’ Water Protection Program. Prior to his work as Branch Chief, Hoke worked as the Watershed Protection Section chief where his primary duties includes managing and directing staff work on the Missouri 303(d) List of impaired waters, Missouri’s Water Quality Standards regulation, Total Maximum Daily Load development, and water quality monitoring and assessment. Hoke has a Bachelor’s degree in Geology from the University of Illinois – Urbana/Champaign and a Master’s degree in Geology from the University of Missouri – Columbia.

Jay Hoskins is the Assistant Director for Environmental Compliance at the Metropolitan St. Louis Sewer District (MSD), the St. Louis, Missouri, sewer and stormwater utility. Jay oversees MSD’s environmental compliance programs, environmental laboratory operations, and water quality monitoring program. Jay is also WEF Government Affairs Institute Member Association Engagement Director. Jay has a BS in Civil Engineering from the Missouri University of Science & Technology, and a MS in Environmental Engineering & Science from Clemson University.

STEPHEN JEFFERY, Jeffery Law Group
Steve is the owner of Jeffery Law Group, LLC. Named as the Best Lawyers in America® 2014 St. Louis Environmental Law “Lawyer of the Year,” he has over 34 years of experience in environmental law and litigation matters. Steve’s practice includes litigation, regulatory compliance and transactional matters, as well as representation before State and Federal regulatory agencies. He has argued several environmental cases before the Missouri Supreme Court and all three Missouri Courts of Appeal. Also, he is a frequent speaker on environmental topics. He is listed in ChambersUSA®, Best

JULIE MARKS, Allstate Consultants

Julie Marks joined Allstate in 2020 and brings a well-rounded environmental engineering background. She has over 20 years of experience working in industry,
providing consulting engineer services to industrial and commercial facilities, and holding various regulatory positions. She has a deep understanding of water, air, solid waste, hazardous waste, and remediation environmental regulatory compliance requirements. Julie excels at translating regulations into clear actions and helping organizations implement the regulations in a practical way. She is skilled at assessing regulatory applicability, working with regulatory agencies to negotiate requirements, and collaborating with clients to ensure and document proof of compliance with regulations. Some of her career highlights include the preparation and review of numerous environmental documents and reports related to water, air, and waste such as RCRA permit applications, consent orders, stormwater pollution prevention plans, stormwater reports, process water discharge reports, LDAR monitoring reports, SWPPP Site Inspection Reports, Air Compliance Reports, Tier 2 Reports, EIQs, SPCC reports, site characterization plans, and remediation plans.

Ashley McCarty is serving her second term as a representative of agriculture, industry and mining on Missouri’s Clean Water Commission, housed in the Department of Natural Resources. She chairs the Commission, which oversees water quality regulations, permitting and financial assistance. In a professional capacity, Ashley serves as executive director of Missouri Farmers Care, a joint effort by Missouri’s agriculture community to stand together for the men and women who provide the food and jobs on which our community depends. Ashley came to Missouri Farmers Care after spending a decade working on behalf of Missouri corn farmers after beginning her career working for the director of the Missouri Department of Agriculture. Ashley is a graduate of the University of Missouri-Columbia with a B.S. in Animal Science. She spends much of her time with her three boys and, together with her husband, raises Red Angus cattle on their century family farm west of Kirksville, Mo.

Jessica Merrigan is a partner in the Kansas City and Overland Park offices of Spencer Fane and currently serves as its Co-Chair of the Environment and Energy Practice Group. She counsels clients on environmental matters regarding regulatory requirements and represents them in litigation of environmental claims, including contribution claims under the federal Superfund law. She has significant experience helping clients in administrative negotiations with both the Environmental Protection Agency and state agencies, advises them on additional or equivalent state law requirements, and assists clients with facility audits, compliance initiatives and waste reduction programs.

Throughout her career, Jessica has worked with clients to monitor the ongoing changes in chemical regulations and implement programs to manage evolving state, local, and federal requirements for chemical management, disclosure, and research.

Rob has over 30 years of experience in water resources & environmental engineering. His background includes water permitting, water quality science, total maximum daily load studies, anti-degradation procedures, and compliance assistance. He has assisted clients with NPDES permit renewals ranging from coal combustion power plants to municipal wastewater treatment facilities. He has led & participated in the design of domestic wastewater & industrial water treatment projects. Rob worked for 24 years at MDNR, where he led RCRA Permits & Corrective Action Section & the Water Pollution Control Branch.

NICK MUENKS, Geosyntec
Nick Muenks has 20 years of experience addressing a diverse range of water quality challenges. He currently serves as a Principal Water Quality Scientist in our Jefferson City, Missouri office providing water quality regulatory support to industrial, utility, and municipal clientele. Mr. Muenks fills key roles in projects across the nation involving the development of water quality-based effluent limitations, NPDES permit support and agency negotiations. He also manages water quality investigations and data management activities to address these complex surface water issues. Coupling science and regulatory knowledge, Nick’s, innovative approaches provide Geosyntec’s clients with reliable and cost-effective solutions for Clean Water Act & NPDES compliance.

Allison Pearson is an environmental engineer with over 13 years of experience in National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) permitting, water-quality-based toxics control, stormwater management, municipal pretreatment permitting, environmental review, and general regulatory assistance. She coordinates with clients, public officials, and regulatory agencies at the state and federal level to facilitate complex permitting projects for construction, industrial, and mining facilities at the state, local, and federal level. Allison is involved in a variety of permitting and regulatory projects including antidegradation analysis; groundwater quality monitoring for contaminated sites; pretreatment program evaluation; stormwater permitting; and surface water quality analysis. She enjoys the challenges of permitting new discharges and has recently been involved in such projects for nitrogen fertilizer facilities, biofuels facilities, and non-metallic mineral underground mines. Allison is currently involved in projects for private industry clients in mining, power, manufacturing, ethanol production, and oil pipelines as well as municipal clients.

Kevin is Assistant Director at REGFORM, a MO business association focused entirely on State environmental regulations & policies. He is a registered lobbyist & holds a BS degree in biology. He has over 25 years of experience, including work as a biologist at US EPA Office of Water. He sings in the choir at church.


Greg Pitchford joined the Allstate Team after 27 years as a fisheries biologist with the Missouri Department of Conservation. During that time, Greg was recognized as a leader in natural resource conservation. Success in that area required a broad skill set that includes the ability to engage with a variety of stakeholders in emotionally and politically charged situations. He has become a student of leadership, natural resource planning, communication, conflict resolution, stakeholder engagement, project management and environmental policy and permitting. Greg received his bachelor’s and master’s degrees in Fisheries and Wildlife from the University of Missouri at Columbia. He is recognized as a Certified Fisheries Professional by the American Fisheries Society.

Greg looks forward to helping clients accomplish their goals when working with and around water resources.

SARA PRINGER, MDNR Financial Assistance Center
Sara Pringer is the Director of the Department of Natural Resources Financial Assistance Center. Sara oversees Missouri’s Clean Water and Drinking Water State Revolving Funds, State American Rescue Plan Act grant program, as well as other state funded programs. Sara has been with the Department for 21 years.

Jeffery Robichaud is a second generation EPA scientist who has worked for the Agency since 1998. He is the Director of the Water Division. After three years with an environmental consulting firm, Jeff joined EPA as an engineer in EPA’s Office of Ground Water and Drinking Water in D.C. In 2001, he moved to Kansas City and has served as Senior Policy Advisor to the Regional Administrator, Chief of the Environmental Assessment and Monitoring Branch, Deputy Director of the Environmental Sciences and Technology Branch, Acting Assistant Regional Administrator, and Deputy Director of the Water, Wetlands, and Pesticides Division. Jeff hails from Redmond, WA and earned his Bachelor of Science in Environmental Systems Engineering from the University of Pennsylvania in Philadelphia and his Master of Science in Engineering Management from the University of Kansas.

JENNA ROE, Allstate Consultants
Jenna joined Allstate Consultants in 2019.  She has been focusing on hydrologic and hydraulic modeling within reservoir systems, working with map documentation in QGIS and assisting with various environmental projects that include the need for mitigation.

Mary is an Environmental Program Assistant in the Water Quality Standards Unit within the Missouri Department of Natural Resources’ Water Protection Program. She has been with the department for a little over a year now, and is eager to continue applying skills she gained from earning her Bachelor’s degree in Environmental Science – Water Quality from the University of Missouri-Columbia. Mary’s primary duties include conducting NEPA reviews, assisting with Missouri’s COVID-19 Sewershed Surveillance Project, reviewing/updating Missouri’s Water Quality Standards regulation, and assisting in other areas as needed. She enjoys hiking, spending time with friends, and walking her cat, Moose.

Chris Wieberg has worked for the Department of Natural Resources since 2004 and has work for the Water Protection Program in various capacities for the last seven years. Chris was appointed director of the Water Protection Program effective Aug. 1, 2017. Chris began his career with the department as a Soil and Water District Coordinator followed by unit chief with the Wellhead Protection Section prior to joining the Water Protection Program. Chris graduated from Lincoln University and holds a degree in agriculture. In his free time Chris enjoys spending time with his family, hunting, fishing, and raising cattle on his family farm in Maries County.

ANNA WILDEMAN, Troutman Pepper
Anna counsels clients on environmental and regulatory matters before federal and state regulatory bodies, including project development structure and permitting, enforcement defense, compliance counseling, litigation support, and project management. She is an expert at evaluating the entire landscape of an issue, including addressing resource concerns as well as political, economic, and litigation risks, while providing value to clients through creative problem solving and effective communication and negotiation skills.

Anna leverages her experience in leadership roles within government environmental agencies to provide her clients with keen insights on crucial rulemakings and policies. She joined the firm from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency where she served as the principal deputy assistant administrator for the office of water. In that position, Anna managed work on major rulemaking efforts, led the nutrient reduction strategy, crafted policies to help promote environmental markets, and established policies to ensure better transparency and responsiveness of government and reduce the national backlog of Clean Water Act regulatory decisions.